
Custom-built solutions for your unique workforce

We believe learning is a journey and transformation is the destination.

Through consulting, we bring our best to the table by understanding your needs, challenging your assumptions and setting ourselves to the standards that are measurable.

We will work with your team and stakeholders in three steps:

  1. Understanding your needs and challenges
  2. Creating a problem statement and impact strategy
  3. Proposal presentation to the stakeholders
  4. Execution strategy
  5. Impact measurement and long-term development plan

Throughout each of these steps, we calibrate and measure to ensure flexibility, adaptability, and success at every step of the way.

Leaders HR/ERG/DE&I Professionals Team

We take you beyond the traditional leadership development strategies and help unravel the true potential of your leaders by equipping them with the essential dialogue skills they need to build trust, inspire and drive accountability through everyday work. We treat leadership development as a marathon for the mind rather than a one-time event or workshop. By providing ongoing practice, feedback, community interaction, and 1:1 coaching, the program aims to create highly self-aware leaders who are ready to learn, practice, and win with a strong set of dialogue muscles.

We focus on the most important and high-impact dialogues leaders conduct (rather ineffectively) on a day-to-day basis. Through a series of workshops and group work, leaders learn the art of conducting each of these dialogues to strengthen their leadership toolkit. We aim to help them lead confidently, without hesitation or fear of losing.

Check out our signature leadership dialogue workshops:


We transform HR teams along with DE&I/ERG committees into master dialogue facilitators. We believe that the foundation of an inclusive organisation is built on the strong dialogue capabilities of champions like HR, DEI, and ERG committees. Real inclusion is possible only when advocates, leaders and HR professionals are confident enough to confront established structures and power dynamics through effective and safe dialogue.

We work with HR/DEI teams to strengthen their dialogue muscles and equip them with the confidence, skillset, and mindset of a true facilitator of dialogue. 

Check out some of our signature learning solutions for HR and DEI professionals

  1. Dialogue 101 for HR and DEI: Learn the structures, tools, mindsets and skills that facilitators deploy to build and sustain safe dialogue. This workshop equips you with the strategic tools you need to confidently initiate and sustain difficult dialogue with any individual or group.
  2. Beyond employee surveys: Learn how to design and facilitate effective focus group discussions to generate meaningful insights from employee groups. This unique workshop aims at empowering HR professionals to engage employees in meaningful discussions to learn their unique needs, troubles and issues that otherwise remain unexpressed.
  3. Building Psychological Safety through dialogue: This workshop is designed to give HR professionals the tools they need to build psychological safety in individual and group settings through the structure of dialogue. The focus is on the power of reflection, effective questioning and group dynamic.

 We work with teams stuck because of unsaid toxic rules, power dynamics, silos, or just mediocrity. With our proven dialogue structures and strategies, we build a safe environment to engage teams in a deep dialogue that focuses on questioning assumptions, expressing the unsaid, and co-designing a way forward. With this flexible approach, we work with the team’s leader or HR partner to design team offsites/retreats and ongoing deep dialogue sessions.



Our world of work today needs managers and leaders who go beyond speaking and listening and can intentionally create spaces where collaboration happens through dialogue.

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