Meet Bhakti

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Know About Bhakti

Bhakti is a facilitator at heart. Facilitation started as a job but soon became Bhakti’s passion. She has trained and coached hundreds of leaders and professionals across the globe to learn the art and science of facilitation.

Now, she is on a mission to create truly inclusive work cultures by infusing the power of dialogue in individuals, teams and organizations.

Bhakti has spent the better part of her career working in India with global organizations like Fujitsu, Amdocs, etc. The combination of upbringing, experience, and immigration has given her a unique sense of people and cultural dynamics. Her global exposure and local understanding inspired her work.

Bhakti’s work ethic is driven by these four guiding  beliefs:

  1. Facilitation over instruction: Bhakti focuses on her role as a facilitator of dialogue across her work. This helps her create lasting trust and partnership with her clients.
  2. Humility over ability: In this fast-changing world, the only way to stay current is to be humble enough to be curious
  3. Learning is not an event: Awareness, practice, and feedback are integral to the human learning process.

Know About Bhakti

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“True dialogue is a flow of meaning in which each person contributes from the depths of their experience.” – Nhat Hanh



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Our world of work today needs managers and leaders who go beyond speaking and listening and can intentionally create spaces where collaboration happens through dialogue.

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