Keynote Speaking

Helping organizations transform their workplace into an inclusive, innovative, and growth-driven environment with effective dialogue and leadership.


Bhakti Karkare is a seasoned facilitator and keynote speaker known for her unique approach to dialogue which empowers organizations to:

Create safe, inclusive, and growth-oriented environments through everyday, sustainable interactions.

Bhakti has trained and coached hundreds of leaders and professionals across the globe to transform their communication dynamics and learn the art and science of facilitation.

In Bhakti's intentionally crafted keynotes, she helps audiences:

Signature Talks

Bhakti’s signature talks are designed to transform organizational communication and foster leadership at every level. Her unique approach ensures that each event is impactful, eye-opening, and leaves a lasting impression.

Keynote #1:

“The Art of Facilitating Dialogue: A blueprint for building innovative teams”

Keynote #2:

“The Power of Dialogue: A facilitator’s roadmap to building bold and innovative teams”

Keynote #3:

“Beyond Communication: HR as the strategic facilitator of Transformative Dialogue”

See Bhakti Live on Stage

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Speaker Materials

Access & Download Bhakti’s
Media Kit Materials below:

Speaker bio

Intro bio

Speaker sheet


Bringing Facilitation into the Workflow with Bhakti Karkare
Dialogue: Beyond Speaking & Listening with Bhakti Karkare
What Facilitation Can Teach Leaders with Bhakti Karkare

What People Are Saying

Where Bhakti Has Spoken

Ready to Transform Your Organization and Empower Your Leaders?

Contact Bhakti to book her for your next event.

    Our world of work today needs managers and leaders who go beyond speaking and listening and can intentionally create spaces where collaboration happens through dialogue.

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